As COO for our 13 store chain of stores called Rmart, I am a proud member of the IFRA. This organization has been extremely helpful over the last year, as our organization has had to handle a variety of obstacles and issue. Their timely and helpful support has helped us to navigate over some difficult obstacles such as the following.
• Overcoming the State of Illinois proposal to ban all menthol tobacco products
• Advice as to how to properly handle the recent PPP loan process.
• Helping to fight the recent home rule fuel tax proposals by the legislative branch.
• Working with the Governor’s office to propose effective Phase 2 Covid 19 guidelines at the retail level.
This organization is now effectively keeping pace with the rapid evolution that is occurring in the fuel and convenience stores in Illinois over the last few years. We appreciate their support and look forward to their continued improvement.
Bill McCloskey
Rmarts LLC