HB 3146


IFRA Position: Monitor


House Sponsors

Rep. Lance Yednock

Synopsis As Introduced

      Amends the Counties Code. Modifies the setback distance of a wind tower from occupied community buildings and nonparticipating residences. Modifies provisions restricting the county's ability to enact standards for construction, decommissioning, or deconstruction of commercial wind energy facilities or commercial solar energy facilities that are more restrictive than those included in the Department of Agriculture's impact agreements. Includes provisions requiring a comprehensive agricultural drainage plan and agreements with drainage districts to cross or impact a drainage system. Amends the Renewable Energy Facilities Agricultural Impact Mitigation Act. Modifies provisions requiring a commercial renewable energy facility owner of a commercial wind energy facility or a commercial solar energy facility that is located on landowner property to enter into an agricultural impact mitigation agreement with the Department outlining construction and deconstruction standards and policies. Removes provisions requiring a commercial solar energy facility owner to submit, not less than 45 days prior to commencement of actual construction, to the Department a standard agricultural impact mitigation agreement signed by the commercial solar energy facility owner and including all information required by the Department. Makes other changes. Effective immediately.

Last Action 






Referred to Rules Committee

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Illinois Fuel & Retail Association

112 W. Cook Street
Springfield, Illinois  62704
Telephone: (217) 544-4609
Fax: (217) 789-0222

About Us

“Neighbors Serving Neighbors.” It’s more than our slogan at IFRA, it’s at the core of every decision we make. IFRA was formed in order to foster a cooperative spirit between petroleum marketers and convenience store operators doing business in Illinois. It’s our guiding principal to eliminate practices and customs that are contrary to a capitalist economy and a competitive business environment in Illinois.


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